GREEN 1025

DELIKECOLORS® MicroPowder ™ micronized synthetic chromium oxide green pigments, type 6099, yellow-green phase chromium oxide pigments, belong to the DELIKECOLORS® synthetic chromium oxide pigments product group of high-quality green pigments, with sub-micron particle size, finer, and more excellent coloring power.

DELIKECOLORS® synthetic chromium oxide green pigments are amphoteric oxides that are very compatible with most systems for coatings and plastics and, due to their chemically and physically stable structure, are extremely stable to light, air, and aggressive gases and liquids.

  • Pure coloration
  • Good dispersibility
  • Excellent coloring power
  • Stable quality
  • High gloss, low haze
  • High hiding power
  • High temperature
  • Resistance
  • High weatherability
  • High light resistance
  • Impressive acid and
  • Alkali resistance

Chromium oxide green pigments should not be confused with the potentially toxic "art green" "lead chrome green", which is a mixture of lead chrome yellow and iron blue.

Data Information
Appearance and properties Green crystalline powder
Molecular formula Cr2O3
physical property Inorganic Powder
C.I.No Pigment Green 17 (77288)
CAS-No 1308-38-9
EINECS 215-160-9
Molecular mass 151.99
INCHI 1/2Cr.3O/rCr2O3/c3-1-5-2-4
Melting point 2435 ºC (4415 ºF)
Proportion 5.22
Firmness Information
Mobility (1-5) 5 Refer to DIN 14469-4 Testing
Thermal Stability (°C/°F) 982℃(HDPE) Refer to DIN EN 12877-2 Testing
Weatherability (1-5) FULL SHADE 5 Refer to DIN EN ISO 16474-2/DIN EN ISO 20105-A02 Testing
Weatherability (1-5) TINT SHADE 5 Refer to DIN EN ISO 16474-2/DIN EN ISO 20105-A02 Testing
Lightfastness (1-8) FULL SHADE 8 Refer to DIN EN ISO 4892-2/DIN EN ISO 105-B02 Testing
Lightfastness (1-8) TINT SHADE 8 Refer to DIN EN ISO 4892-2/DIN EN ISO 105-B02 Testing

FULL SHADE 1:1 Alkyd resin / melamine;
Warpage: 1 = minimal, 2 = some, 3 = severe
Weatherfastness: 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5=Excellent
Lightfastness: 1-2=Poor, 3-4=Fair, 5=Good, 6-7=Very Good, 8=Excellen
The DELIKECOLORS® range of pigments has been subjected to a complete firmness test covering different polymer systems and different application criteria.
Please contact our Sales Manager for detailed firmness information.

Security Information
Physical and chemical hazards No need to categorize based on available information
Health hazard No need to categorize based on available information
Environmental hazard No need to categorize based on available information
Other hazards not covered by GHS Please observe dust protection and avoid eye, nose and throat irritation when handling or using the product. Although no adverse reactions have been reported in the ECHA toxicology data, we do not recommend swallowing the product.
Compliance Information
AP(89)1 Europe Council of Europe AP(89)1 Approved Pigments – migration of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium from the following pigments are typically below the limits set forth in the Council of Europe resolution AP(89)1 on the use of colourants in plastic materials coming into contact with food, 13 September 1989.
AS2070-1999 Australia Australian Standard AS 2070-1999 Approved Pigments – migration of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium from the following pigments are typically below the limits set forth in the Australian Standard AS 2070-1999, Plastics materials for food contact use (4.1.2 Colourants), published 5 March, 1999.
BfR IX Germany List of the BfR Approved Pigments: Pigments are not regulated by the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) unless they contain dangerous substances.
CONEG United States The following pigments, when used at a 25% maximum, typically contain a sum total of the regulated metals lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium below the strictest specification of 100 ppm set forth in the Model Toxics in Packaging (CONEG) legislation.
EN 71-3:2019+A1:2021 Europe The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) has introduced an Element Migration Class Act for child contact products. Some of our chromium oxide green can meet this standard.
94/62/EC Europe The following pigments, when used at a 50% maximum, typically contain a sum total of the regulated metals lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium below the strictest specification of 100 ppm set forth in the Council of Europe Directive 94/62/EC, on packaging and packaging waste.
GB9685 : 2016 China Pigments typically meet the purity requirements set forth in the National Food Safety of the People’s Republic of China, GB9685-2016 Standard for Uses of Additives in Food Contact Materials and Articles. Please see GB9685:2016 document for limitations.
RoHS Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).
ELV Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of Life Vehicles (ELV).
WEEE Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of Waste electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) as they are currently written.

Please be aware of the use restrictions and other additional requirements required by the above regulations. You can also contact our compliance officer at compliance@delikechem.com or contact our Sales Manager.
We only refer to the regulations related to colorants and pigments, and the enforcement of application regulations is entirely up to the manufacturer.

Compliance Information
94/62/EC Europe The following pigments, when used at a 50% maximum, typically contain a sum total of the regulated metals lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium below the strictest specification of 100 ppm set forth in the Council of Europe Directive 94/62/EC, on packaging and packaging waste.
RoHS Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).
ELV Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of Life Vehicles (ELV).
WEEE Europe The following pigments meet the purity thresholds for lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as specified in European Directives for the End of Restrictions on the use of Waste electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) as they are currently written.

Please be aware of the use restrictions and other additional requirements required by the above regulations. You can also contact our compliance officer at compliance@delikechem.com or contact our Sales Manager.
We only refer to the regulations related to colorants and pigments, and the enforcement of application regulations is entirely up to the manufacturer.

Registered Catalog Information

This product is registered with the Inventory of Registered Chemicals:

Europe United States China Canadian Australia
New Zeeland Philippine Japan South Korea China-Taiwan
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Safety Data Sheet

Includes description, color value and tinting power, resistance properties, product characteristics, technical data, application, packaging, general storage conditions

Technical Data Sheet

Includes description, color value and tinting power, resistance properties, product characteristics, technical data, application, packaging, general storage conditions

We recommend that you store chromium oxide green in a manner that protects it from moisture and contamination with other substances.
Although very stable and long lasting, we recommend that you use it within 10 years.
Although DELIKECHEM chromium oxide green can be stored for up to 10 years, we must take into account the shelf life of the packaging, which is described below (under normal conditions):
25 kg in paper-plastic composite packaging: 5 years
1000 Kg in a containerized package: 3 years

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast